When to Hit or Stand in Blackjack

Blackjack is a game of skill, and knowing when to hit or stand can improve your odds of winning. While there are many different strategies for hitting and standing in blackjack, one of the most important is determining when to double down or split. By memorizing these simple rules, you can cut the house edge in half, which will lead to more wins in the long run.

When to Hit or Stand

The right decision is dependent on the dealer’s blackjack up card and the player’s cards in hand. The goal of hitting is to make a strong hand and avoid going bust, while standing is the best choice when the dealer has a low probability of beating your hand value with their next card.

For example, when a dealer has a 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 in their blackjack up card, you should always hit with a pair of sixes. This is because the chances of the dealer getting a higher hand are very low. A hit will give you a much better chance of beating the dealer’s hands, as well as improving your own.

However, the opposite is true when a dealer has an Ace or ten in their up card. When the dealer has an Ace or ten, it is a good idea to stand with your cards in hand, as this will increase your chances of beating them and winning the game.

The final thing to remember when deciding whether to hit or stand is that you should never use patterns when playing blackjack. This can be dangerous, as it will often result in you missing out on the best strategy for your specific situation. Instead, it is a good idea to look at your own hand and the dealer’s cards when making your decision, rather than following a pattern.

When to Stand

When you have a hand that totals between 12 and 16, the correct play is to stand, provided that the dealer has a 2, 3, 4, or 6. This is because it is likely that they will beat your hand with their next card.

Another case in which you should consider the dealer’s cards when deciding whether to hit or stand is when you have a pair of nines. Most players will instinctively stand with this hand, but it is actually a mistake to do so. Whenever possible, you should double down on your pair of nines, as this will increase your chances of winning the game.